Tucson Electric Power

Accessibility and modernization


Out with the outdated

Tucson Electric Power serves power to nearly half a million people in Tucson, Arizona.
But their website wasn’t properly serving anyone.
TEP’s website housed an impressive amount of content. Unfortunately it was dated, inconsistent, and lacked organization after more than a decade of band-aided changes.


They wanted to keep everything, but to reorganize it and ditch the outdated content. Heavily strewn with broken links, repeated content, and outdated information, I combed through each page one by one, and documented it for migration to the new site.
A colorful puzzle

Fun with sticky notes

There were hundreds of pages, some buried deep in the outdated interface.


First I made a map to identify the current site content and where it was living. Then I reorganized it in a logical manner to put content where it actually belonged.

Original menu + updated menu

High fidelity wireframing

Putting it together

Wireframes & design

The goal was to make it responsive, accessible, and easy to use.
The original site had been hard coded, so it was difficult for them to manage. Crowd Favorite built the new site in WordPress so TEP could maintain it themselves moving forward.

Various iterations of the homepage login box


Work completed while at Forty/Crowd Favorite